It's been:

45 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 22 hours, 38 minutes, and 40 seconds

since cs saved ld from his lonely existence!
*** See my latest George count. Click below ***
(ld)2's George Adventures

*** Utah, Illinois, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Washington, Wyoming, Texas, Virginia, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas, Delaware, New Mexico, Kentucky, Hawaii, Indiana, Nebraska, District of Columbia, Vermont, Minnesota, Alaska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Connecticut, North Carolina, West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota hit! Forty-one states, DC, Canada, Bahamas, and counting. And now, China! Click above ***

Friday, December 29, 2006

Blog battle (Uncle, Uncle, Uncle)

4.753424657534 : 1
Okay, almost 5 to 1, but who's counting? Casual visitors vs. devoted fans. Looks like I'm losing the battle and she's winning the counter war.

Statistics as of December 29, 2006 at 10:44 am CST
Your counters were created on December 23, 2006 with a starting count of 0. You currently have your counter set to increment on *Unique Hits Only.

Site: ldsquared
Total Hits: 73
Hits Today (so far): 6
Hits Since Start: 73
Average Daily Hits Since Start: 12.44

Site: Fighting Against What Is
Total Hits: 347
Hits Today (so far): 6
Hits Since Start: 347
Average Daily Hits Since Start: 60.59

*What is the difference between All Hits and Unique Visits?
When you sign up (or edit your settings), you have the choice to have your counter increment on "All Hits" or "Unique Visits Only". All hits counts every single hit the counter gets. So if a user comes back in 5 minutes, or keeps reloading your page, it will keep counting each hit.

When you set it to Unique Visits Only, it will not count sequential hits from the same IP address. (An IP address is a unique identifier of a computer on the Internet.) So, if it is set on Unique Visits Only, the counter will only increment once if someone keeps reloading your page or visits multiple pages of your site that have the same counter installed.

This user will not be counted again until someone else visits the site before their next return visit. (i.e. If someone returns to the site the next day or week, likely someone will have visited in between, so they will be counted again for that visit.)

With typical traffic, the counter set to Unique Visits Only provides a good approximation of the number of visits the site receives. Use the All Hits setting if you want a total count of every hit the page receives.


Devry said...

This is fabulous. I have mine all set up, but you know what I would really like to track--the location of the IP address. It would be fun to see where all the hits are coming from.

ld said...

Why Devry Gale…I am shocked! I do believe I detect a little big brother is watching you in them bones of yours.

lacy lee said...

I just got a stat counter where you can check the IP location...!

ld said...

Tell me more…but don't tell DevHoyo.

Devry said...

Lacy, please tell me...I need this...

ld said...


You need to move your counter to the top.

lacy lee said...

it's at

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