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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Check your oil

Being the spiritual giant that my wife says I am not, I know that most of you are anticipating a theological discussion on Matthew 25: 1-13. But that isn't the case. I'll save that for another time.

This is a service announcement for those of you that are a little less mechanically inclined.

I am literally stating, Check your oil (in your automobile).

When was the last time that you checked it and had it changed? It should be every 3,000 miles. That would be a little less than 5,000 kilometers [4,828.032 to be exact] for my foreign readers.

If you don't maintain the oil regularly, then it will eventually catch up to you…come to think of it…there are some parallels to Matthew 25…but I'll save that discussion for HP meeting on Sunday.

If we're planning on driving to meet the bridegroom, then it would behoove us all to check the oil.

PS: It probably would be a good idea to change the air filter also.


lacy lee said...

Before I married Dave, I think I went in for an oil change twice in my life. I guess I just thought that it was one of those rip off maintenance schemes...turns out (according to Lance and my avid oil-changing husband) it's not. Huh.

ld said...

You are indeed your father's daughter...for you have inherited all of his mechanical skills.

Anonymous said...

I did check my oil dad, that's why we came over to have you change it

Anonymous said...

First of all I would like to join the group of elitists who appear on your blog under the list 'the gang'. How does one get to join this group? I will work on my worthiness.

Secondly I would like to share a story from my childhood that will explain my tendencies to not check the oil. As a 15 yr old drivers education student, I was required to change a tire. We were supposed to be helped by a parent or otherwise responsible adult, and obtain their signatures. My intelligent but mechanically challenged father took me out one sunny afternoon to show me how it is done. We had a heck of a time just getting the stuff out of the trunk, then he looked at all these strange looking objects and says, "I could show how to do it, but the easiest thing is to just call AAA. Now what do I need to sign?" We did not even put the jack back in the trunk.

Last I would like to express my appreciation for the tender mercies of the lord. First for the fact that to this day I have never had to deal with mechanical problems, not even a tire, and second for a father in law that knows how to change oil.

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