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Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Rocky and Me

…Balboa that is. Last night, Bird, Brig, cs, and I went to see Rocky Balboa. I enjoyed it immensely. I thought it was a great movie. Not necessarily Oscar material, but one of those feel good movies that made you want to stand up and cheer…which is what I wanted to do at one point, but cs must have sensed it too and gently put her hand on my arm to restrain me.

I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t seen each Rocky…I, II, III, IV, & V. (Brig was appalled when he learned that Bird hadn’t seen any of the Rocky movies and didn’t know who he was. Brig made her do her homework and watch I, II, & IV last week in preparation for seeing the new movie.) I did see I & II and if you liked Rocky I, then I think that you would like Rocky Balboa. It has the same feel to it.

Maybe I related too much to the character. When he was preparing to get in shape for the fight, his trainers told him, You won’t catch him with your speed. You can’t run to get in shape because the cement will pound your knees, you've got calcium deposits on most of your joints, and you’ve got arthritis in your neck.

The scene when he had a chat with his son was good also.

I think that cs liked it too…at least the parts that she watched. She spent the last bit with her hands over her eyes…peaking through every now and then.


lacy lee said...

Does this mean Rocky Balboa is the new Horation Hornblower?

Anonymous said...

I also liked Rocky

ld said...

Yo Lucy,
One can be the English hero and the other can be the all American hero.

Anonymous said...

Everyone loves rocky, even mom. She called me up later that night and admitted she secretly liked rocky as well.

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