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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tissuebox factoid

Yesterday, I was told by my sister to ask the nurse for another box of tissues because this one was about to run out.

How do you know that? (She was sitting across the room.)

Because the tissues have changed color. They were an off-white (cream) color.

What color were they before and what difference does that make?

They were white before. The manufacturer changes the color of the tissues when you are close to running out to notify you that it is time to buy more tissues.

[The only tissues I have noticed change color before is the toilet paper. You know what I’m talking about…when it goes from white to that cardboard color and by then it’s too late to go out to get some more. Maybe the tissue people are onto something here and ought to notify the toilet paper making people.]

Am I the only person to not know this trade secret? Is it universally known? Do all tissue manufacturers use that color changing trick? If so, what is the magic number of when the tissues change colors…last dozen…half-dozen?


Anonymous said...

If you wanted dad I could come over to your house and color some of your toilet paper to let you know when you are running out, on second thought I don't think you need that visible warning because once you run out you can just get another roll out of the giant costco box.

lacy lee said...

I never knew about this hidden "tissue code." I usually just judge by the light weight of the box.

Devry said...

I didn't know about this either. It is genius. This just might have changed my life.

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