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Friday, March 23, 2007

Car Anagram

I had a meeting in Salt Lake this morning…no big deal. As I was traveling north on the freeway, a car wanted to pass me…no big deal. I noticed it was a Volkswagen…no big deal. I moved over into the next lane of traffic to let it pass me…no big deal. When it got passed me, I noticed the model name on the lid of the trunk…

BIG DEAL! Whoa, Nelly! Stop the presses. Say what? Did I just witness the "officially" designated vehicle of the Arnett clan? Had a long lost relative of cs's just pass me by?

What model of Volkswagen was that?

As I continued my travels north, I had three more Volkswagens pass by me…no big deal. They looked exactly like the first one except…

Which led me to the conclusion that: One out of four Volkswagen Passats is an Asstap.

One other thought: Lids, what model of Volkswagen did you say that Ray bought?


Anonymous said...

that's funny. what a funny funny guy you are that's why you are a 9.5 and other people are only a 2

Lindsay said...

Sadly our Volks is just a lowly golf. Clearly we chose the less appropriate model for an Arnett to ride around in.

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