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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Advice from Mother

Seems that one is never too old to receive nuggets of wisdom from their mother. I got a bit of advice from mom this morning that I had never heard before.

I had gone over to check my dad's blood sugar level. After doing a few other chores, I told mom that I needed to go home and do my chores. I asked her what she was going to do.

Give your dad a bath later on.
Let's do it now and I'll help you.
No, we can't do it now.
Why not?
He's just had breakfast.
What's that got to do with it?
You're not suppose to bathe after you've eaten.
What? I've heard about not going swimming after eating, but never anything about not bathing.
Oh yes, you're suppose to give your food time to digest!

And there you have it.

Now, this new found knowledge poses a problem for me. Since I always seem to have food stuffed in my mouth and I'm suppose to give the food time to digest when am I ever going to have time to bathe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha that's funny. Maybe grandma was just confused and really meant you aren't suppose to go swimming after you have eaten. Or maybe she had a bad experience bathing grandpa after he's eaten and wanted to give him time so it didn't happen again.

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