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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Never a dull moment

The first sign was the Q-tips everywhere covered with earwax.

What's going on?
My left ear is plugged with earwax and I can't hear.
Lay down and I'll put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in it.
That doesn't work.
It has for me.

I go about my business for awhile. Then I see a water-filled bottle of liquid dish soap in her hands.

What's up with that?
I googled it on the internet and figured out how to solve the problem.

As she proceeds to try spraying the water into her ear.
Blog material…fersure! I think to myself.

Soon thereafter, I receive 2 new emails that say: Please order this for me. Or this one like the doctor.

Did you get my emails?

I guess the homemade version didn't work.

Readers choice: Which would you recommend? The flush or the grab?

1 comment:

lacy lee said...

you're in luck! I just happen to be an ear wax expert, because my body produces unnatural amounts of the stuff. I've had the flush. It works wonders and doesn't hurt a bit. The grab thing looks scary. And Dave once convinced me to pour hydrogen peroxide in my ear and I awoke at like 3 am with the worst toothache ever! (of course, I later found I needed a root canal, but I think somehow the two were linked).

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