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Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm a believer

I have solved one of life’s mysteries for I have discovered the miracle of Breathe Right® nasal strips. Some of you may recognize them as the band-aids that football players such as Jerry Rice wear across their nose. (I always thought to myself, How in the world did he cut himself shaving there? But I digress. Let me get on with the story.)

The box states: Relieves nasal congestion. Reduces snoring. Their website states that it will bring relief to people with deviated septums. (Now I know severals "deviates", but to my knowledge none of them are "septums".)

Aha! That immediately caught my attention. For I had started getting sensitive to the issue that members of my family stated that I had a snoring problem. I decided to give it a go and purchased a box to give it my own scientific study.

The back of the box also states: For best results to relieve snoring, use for 6 consecutive nights.

I have been using them since Saturday night — 5 days — and I am happy to report that I am cured! Not once have I awoken to hear myself snoring.

Now…if I could just convince cs to try them.

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