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since cs saved ld from his lonely existence!
*** See my latest George count. Click below ***
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*** Utah, Illinois, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Washington, Wyoming, Texas, Virginia, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas, Delaware, New Mexico, Kentucky, Hawaii, Indiana, Nebraska, District of Columbia, Vermont, Minnesota, Alaska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Connecticut, North Carolina, West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota hit! Forty-one states, DC, Canada, Bahamas, and counting. And now, China! Click above ***

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

MacBook Air & iPod Nano tunes

By now, many of you have probably seen the ad for the new MacBook Air.

The song is catchy — just like the one sung by Feist for the new iPod Nano. Here's the full song by Yael Naïm — that's Mïan Leay spelled backwards!

Hardcore fans of French musical theatre (i.e. FSIL II?) probably knew Yael Naïm as Miriam in the Ten Commandments, but for many of us, we discovered her Feist-like vocals via the MacBook Air ad. Born in Paris and raised primarily in Israel, the singer songwriter has found serious success in France with her self titled album which features Yael singing in English, French and her native tongue. International success is definitely on the way with her easy on the ears soft and acoustic sound.

iPod Nano Ad by Canadian singer/songwriter Leslie Feist — that's Tsief Eilsel spelled backwards!

Full video for 1234

You've got to love Apple and their Ad Agency for their clever and catchy ads…I know that Naïm & Feist do…all the way to the bank! They each got my 99¢.

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