It's been:

since cs saved ld from his lonely existence!
*** See my latest George count. Click below ***
(ld)2's George Adventures

*** Utah, Illinois, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Washington, Wyoming, Texas, Virginia, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas, Delaware, New Mexico, Kentucky, Hawaii, Indiana, Nebraska, District of Columbia, Vermont, Minnesota, Alaska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Connecticut, North Carolina, West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota hit! Forty-one states, DC, Canada, Bahamas, and counting. And now, China! Click above ***

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A new (George) adventure

Due to popular demand (threats), I have created another blog to document my Where's George? adventures.

I am looking for a good name for the site and am open for suggestions. Until then, it will be titled: (ld)2's George Adventures.

The website will be dedicated to the hits, documentation, travels, and adventures of my George, Abe, Alexander, Andrew, Ulysses, and Ben bills. It will be a blog for money lovers everywhere i.e. cs.

So visit it often and see where my bills have travelled and how many hits I have had. I'm working to get my 50 state bingo. How long will it take?

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