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since cs saved ld from his lonely existence!
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(ld)2's George Adventures

*** Utah, Illinois, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Washington, Wyoming, Texas, Virginia, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas, Delaware, New Mexico, Kentucky, Hawaii, Indiana, Nebraska, District of Columbia, Vermont, Minnesota, Alaska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Connecticut, North Carolina, West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota hit! Forty-one states, DC, Canada, Bahamas, and counting. And now, China! Click above ***

Friday, April 4, 2008

In Zion…again

cs and I travelled to Zion once more — for a work conference. Driving down was a compromise of: 3 parts silence and 1 part listening to the finest tunes ever on the iPod. (She called it, Garbage! Did I ever tell you that there are 5 songs that I can't stand? Billy Joel's Piano Man, the Beatles' Fool on the Hill…and whatever song was playing next…)

On the way there we made the obligatory stop in Beaver at the Cache Valley Cheese factory. She got something something chocolate and I got raspberry pecan flavored ice cream cones. And, yes the reason for the stop in the first place…a bag of squeaky cheese. Such a delight!

(Conversation in Beaver)

Someday, when we have time, I need to look for my grandparents.

Are they missing?
[Couldn't resist that reply.]

No, they're buried in the cemetery and I've never been.

You've never been to a cemetery?

Yes, I have. I meant the Beaver cemetery.

They've got a cemetery for animals?
[You can see that it's hard to have a meaningful conversation when one's tunes are being trashed.]

We dined in St George last night and did some shopping at the Factory Outlet stores. I've got meetings for a half-a-day and then we may do some sight seeing before we head to that other Zion…home.

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