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Monday, May 26, 2008


You can file this one under: Hey, why didn't I think of that? category.

"Retro" is in. Taking something from the past and modernizing it is the going thing now-a-days. Chevrolet is bringing back the Camaro and Dodge is bringing back the Challenger. Nostalgia is the new word.

When I was younger, I remember my dad talking about the outhouse (that was before they had indoor plumbing). He stated that the "in" folks had what was called a "two-holer". He talked about it in reverent and hushed tones — with a touch of envy in his voice. (Growing up in a family of 14 kids, I can see why.)

Not to be outdone by Chevrolet and Dodge. The plumbing folks have kicked in the ol' nostalgia and retrofitted the "two-holer" for modern times.

The TwoDaLoo is billed as the world's first toilet two people can use ... at the exact same time. It brings couples closer together and conserves our water supply all with one flush. The TwoDaLoo features two side-by-side toilet seats with a modest privacy wall in between. An upgraded version includes a seven inch LCD television and iPod docking station.


Kodison said...

Well since Megs' and my b-day is coming up... Slot this in at the top of our joint birthday list. :)

wendy said...

ewww! A little privacy please!

wendy said...

although, I think my boys would get a kick out of that!

wendy said...

they would no longer have to use the bathtub as an option if the toilet was already occupied by their brother, yes this happens often!

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