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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Morning conversations

c8 spent the night with us last night. First thing in the morning she told me: Butz, I dweamed and dweamed last night somethin’, somethin’, somethin’.

I asked her to repeat it several times before I got the gist of it.

Butz, I dreamed and dreamed last night, I dreamed a lot. I got to ride a merry-go-round.

A few minutes later, cs, fixes us some breakfast. I tell her about c8’s dream.

He’s an amazing man.

Who is?

Tom Cruise. He only has one leg you know.


Well, he wears a prosthesis on the other one. You’d never know.

Silence on my part.

I dreamed about it last night. It’s true you know. Do you think that I would have pulled something like that out of the air? (Grammar, slightly modified for the audience.)

Me…I’ve got nothin’ that can compete with that. When your wife is dreaming about Tom Cruise, one leg or not, the conversation is pretty well over.

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