It's been:

since cs saved ld from his lonely existence!
*** See my latest George count. Click below ***
(ld)2's George Adventures

*** Utah, Illinois, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Washington, Wyoming, Texas, Virginia, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas, Delaware, New Mexico, Kentucky, Hawaii, Indiana, Nebraska, District of Columbia, Vermont, Minnesota, Alaska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Connecticut, North Carolina, West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota hit! Forty-one states, DC, Canada, Bahamas, and counting. And now, China! Click above ***

Sunday, August 19, 2007

It works!

Okay, Lucy, go ahead and try it out and as Dr. Phil says, Let me know how it works out for you…


lacy lee said...

this actually didn't go over so well on my laptop...

ld said...

You were only suppose to do the keyboard…

Rose said...

I'm just wondering what exactly are you doing up at 4 or 5 in the morning. All your posts and comments are at that unworldly hour. Is that where you find all the nuggets of wisdom for your nieces to garner.

Mackenzie Sue said...

Your happiness in a box came two days ago. I am just wondering why you haven't used it to make a new post.

wendy said...

I can't believe I actually sat here and watched that entire clip.

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