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Friday, August 17, 2007

Thomas Jefferson $1 coin

The new Thomas Jefferson $1 coins are available. I got mine today.

Before he became President, Jefferson wrote the first version of the Declaration of Independence. He later wrote a bill for Virginia that established religious freedom. Jefferson took over for Benjamin Franklin as minister to France. He was Secretary of State under President Washington and Vice President under John Adams.

When he became President, Jefferson cut the national budget and lowered the national debt. He also sent a naval squadron to stop the Barbary pirates from attacking American merchant ships in the Mediterranean, bought Louisiana from Napoleon, sent Lewis and Clark on their important expedition, and kept America out of the war between England and France.

He retired to Monticello, where he made plans for building the University of Virginia. He died at Monticello on the 4th of July, 1826.

1 comment:

Devry said...

How patriotic to actually die on July 4th. All fun facts, most of which I did not know.

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