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Sunday, August 5, 2007

J Golden Kimball moment

This morning, I did something that I had never done before. In fact, I don't recall hearing of anyone ever having done it before. It was much harder than I thought it would be.

I attended the ward that I represent in the Stake. I was to carry out some Stake business. Before I got started, I told those that were paying attention, that I wasn't trying to pull a "J Golden Kimball" moment on them. One story is that he was doing some sustainings and releasings in a Stake Conference. Becoming aware that the audience wasn't paying attention, he moved that Mt Nebo or Mt Timpanogos be moved to the middle of Utah Lake. The audience sustained the action. He remarked, Now, that you've got it there, what are you going to do with it?

I reminded my audience that I was indeed on assignment from the Stake Presidency and that I was carrying out my assigned task. I then proceeded to release myself from my Stake calling and sustain the person that had been called to replace my position.

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