cs started it September 17, 2007.
Lids was next on September 19, 2007.
Lucy continued on September 20, 2007.
Dana's still thinking.
Here's my list:
1. I am an official "card carrying" member of the Arnett fan club. I became a member 34 years ago (before I met cs) when cousin Dave (no, the other cousin Dave) gave me a signed membership card in Maracaibo, Venezuela. It was my lead in line for cs when I first met her. I'm a fan club member and I've got the card to prove it. Snagged her from the getgo…she was mine, hook, line, and sinker. Thanks, cousin Dave!After the many years of being in the wallet, the names may have faded away, but the membership is still good!
2. When I was younger, my cousin and I sluffed Primary. It was back in ancient history days when Primary was held on weekdays after school. The church building was across the street from the elementary school. There were only two wards at the time. One had Primary on Tuesdays and the other ward had Primary on Wednesdays.
One Tuesday after school, half of the kids were getting on the buses to go home and the other half were headed across the street to the church. I can’t remember who was the instigator between us, but we both decided that we were “in” and were going AWOL. As we were headed across the school grounds in the opposite direction of Primary, Edie Rasband hollers out, Hey, guys where are you going? Primary is this way. I felt the eyes of the world upon me, but we kept on going — we were 2nd grade rebels…with a cause!
We lived about a half-a-mile from the school. We got a block away and I realized that if I got home early, then my folks would wonder why I was home at that hour since it was Primary day — never-mind the fact that both of my parents were at work. Big mouth Rasband’s words had started to prick my conscience. But, we couldn’t head back to Primary because we would be walking in late and the embarrassment would be too much. If we went home, there would be nothing to do because afternoon cartoons didn’t start until later. So we spent the hour hiding in a ditch, ducking down as cars approached so that we wouldn’t be found out. Nothing was ever said. I figured I had had “my day” of rebelliousness.
Years later, I was telling the story (confession time) to my mother thinking that I had better come clean. She told me, I knew about that. Your Primary teacher called me the next day and told me that they had missed you in class. I told her not to worry. You would be in class the next week.
…and I was.
3. I gained all of my computer skills from a high school computer class, from HB…learning what not to do, and helping Bird with her college assignments.
4. I endured sitting through several MVHS modern dance concerts (and am a better man for it!)
5. I really don’t understand electricity. It’s just my job and it pays the bills. I’m really doing it because it's "shocking" and I get to use a computer.
I tag jl (both of them).
Um, what I want to know is why we still aren't handing out Arnett Fan Club Cards. Those are sweet and I wish I had a few to give out.
I agree. I must have a copy. Maybe those could be our favors at the wedding.
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