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*** Utah, Illinois, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Washington, Wyoming, Texas, Virginia, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas, Delaware, New Mexico, Kentucky, Hawaii, Indiana, Nebraska, District of Columbia, Vermont, Minnesota, Alaska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Connecticut, North Carolina, West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota hit! Forty-one states, DC, Canada, Bahamas, and counting. And now, China! Click above ***

Thursday, October 4, 2007


You know the DMV (department of motor vehicles) got it half right when it came to taking pictures for driver’s licenses. Everybody complains about their picture and how they weren’t prepared or how much they hate their picture.

I think that the DMV didn’t go far enough in catching people in their “natural state” of how they look when they are driving. When you stop and think about it, how many people look like a movie star glamour shot when they’re driving a car. From my experience of traveling on the road, I think that the more realistic shot would be to give women the choice of: a) being caught in the act of putting on their eyeliner b) putting on their lipstick c) talking on a cell phone d) wearing a hooter hider.

The men could be snapped shaking their finger or with a look of “who me?” on their face.

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