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Friday, June 6, 2008

This button?

Sooner or later it was bound to happen…

An article (you can view readers comments by clicking on the word "article") in yesterday's Deseret News reads:

Woman gets locked in car

OREM — A woman who locked herself in her car had to have police respond and instruct her to manually flip the switch herself to get out.
The woman called police Friday afternoon to report that her battery had died and she was locked in her car, said Orem Police Lt. Doug Edwards.
The officers responded, but the woman couldn't get the windows down and wasn't able to understand them as they tried to talk with her, Edwards said.
She finally instructed the police to call her on her cell phone.
They did and were able to tell her to unlock the door by using the slide lock mechanism on the inside door panel to open the door — even though the electronic door unlock button didn't work, Edwards said.

Why didn't the report give a better description - i.e. hair color, sobriety, etc - anything to justify this moment in this lady's life? Priceless - yes, embarrassing - definitely, but pulleeeeaze, please tell me…that this woman isn't a part of my gene pool.


cs said...

Just fyi, it wasn't me. I know you were all wondering. It is close to home though, as that happened once to me when Jantzen was a toddler (like 14 months old or so) I had run into Larry and Kathy's house (when they lived in back of der weinerschneitzel years ago) for just a minute (nay a nano second) to drop something off. I didn't even go inside, but remained on the porch and in sight but like a dummy I left the car running. When I came back Jlw had locked all the doors and couldn't understand why I wouldn't get in the car. You should have seen the antics of all these adults trying to coax and pantomime him to pull up the button and unlock the door. I shudder to think what would have happened had he put the car in reverse.

lacy lee said...

Hey, remember when you used to update all the time? Whatever happened with that? Your fans feel neglected.

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