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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Safety tip

I made a quick trip to work today after checking up on my Dad early this morning. As I was driving along the old highway, I came upon an unusual sight. It was a person (late 30's, early 40's) peddling their bicycle along the edge of the highway. Now, that in of itself isn't what one would deem as unusual. What caught my attention was the sign that was strapped to their back. It was held there with a two inch stretchy band of material that was wrapped around their waist - cutting into their mid-drift bulge. (Oh, the sights you see when one doesn't have a camera!)

Here's the sign:

Now, some of you may recognize this as the universal sign for "slow moving vehicle."

On second thought, maybe this isn't as strange as it may seem. My thoughts quickly reflected to Lucy and her 'ped. It may even come in handy for putt-putt Dave.

So being the resourceful person that I am, I quickly did some research. Here is an alternative:

And for those do-it-yourselfers that are handy with cardboard, here is another possibility. You'll have to find your own stretchy material. (Perhaps you could use the waistband from your Nacho Libre pants.)

Just remember - when you're out riding with your sign (looking your nerdiest), you can thank ld for your safety!

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