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Monday, July 13, 2009

Where's the $3 bill?

As I mentioned in my previous post, on our way to Moab for the river raft trip we stopped in Price at a Mexican restaurant for a bite to eat. Near the cash register, they had this cool poster hanging on the wall. Needless to say, it immediately caught my eye.

I've been doing google searches ever since trying to find it: US paper money poster, US dollar bill denominations poster, etc. Nothing. Finally, found it under US currency poster.

It lists/shows the U.S. bills:

$100,000-Woodrow Wilson-28th President-(1856-1924)
10,000-Salmon Portland Chase-Jurist & Statesman-(1808-1873)
5,000-James Madison-4th President-(1751-1836)
1,000-S. Grover Cleveland-22nd & 24th President-(1837-1908)
500-William McKinley-25th President-(1843-1901)
100-Benjamin Franklin-Author,Scientist,Inventor-(1706-1790)
50-Ulysses Simpson Grant-18th President-(1822-1885)
20-Andrew Jackson-7th President-(1767-1845)
10-Alexander Hamilton-Jurist & Statesman-(1755-1804)
5-Abraham Lincoln-16th President-(1809-1865)
2-Thomas Jefferson-3rd President-(1743-1826)
1-George Washington-1st President-(1732-1799)

The $100 is the largest denomination note printed today. The $10,000, $5,000, $1,000, & $500 notes were last printed in 1945, but taken out of circulation in 1969 for lack of use. The $100,000 note was never released to the public. It was used for inter-bank transfers only, between Federal Reserve Bank District Offices.

Here it is.

Strange…I don't see the $3 bill that Creed pulled out of his wallet to give Jim to help out with the Office party fund.

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